What Is Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy is simply talk therapy (counselling), to explore any issues you might be having in the area of sexuality. This can include past trauma or perhaps dissatisfaction and difficulties with your current sex life. Sex therapy can help you adapt to life changes and is a non-judgemental and private setting to consider what you might like going forward.

What will you talk about?

Anything at all you would like to. What we explore is always up to the client. Nothing is going to be too much or upsetting to us.

Often we talk about past experiences. We can also explore what is going on for you in any current relationship. Much of the work is using evidence based and research supported information to push back at unhelpful beliefs, or the societal expectations around what sex should be like, in order to find your own joyous expression of your sexuality.

We use a biopsychosocial model which means look at the interconnection between biology, psychology and social factors.

Do you give homework?

Only if you would like it! We have a vast amount of research and resources that we can recommend. It is up to the client as to whether or not they would like to do work in between sessions. It can be very useful. However, just having a place to freely talk about your wants and needs will also help you to make changes.

Do I have to be partnered with someone to have sex therapy?

Absolutely not! Your sexuality is yours to explore whether or not you choose to share it with someone else.

Why would I have therapy about sex?

Well, you don’t have to! We do explore many different issues with out clients.

However, our sex lives and sexuality can be a difficult area to navigate on our own. We are surrounded by sexual messaging and information that is not valuable and truthful. Much of it can be harmful when we feel we are somehow different or lacking in comparison. Anyone can benefit from exploring these influences and finding their own unique pathway to sexual enjoyment.

It truly is worth working on, and it is never too late.